Adam Saunders


These are all the projects that are complete enough to share and display. There are many mini-apps that I have also worked on, but I would like to revisit these before adding them to this list.


Section Arranger

The home screen and song view of the Band Coach Arranger Tool
A single section of a song with an area for rhythms, a keyboard and a drum kit

Choose topic

Different Bytes

3 images. First: the home screen of Reading Genie, a purple page with a blue genie image. Second: a screen to choose the topic for Reading Genie. Third: a snippet of information about Great White Sharks.
Three images of the different types of content on Reading Genie, a would you rather, a joke and a quiz

Class Manager

Upcoming features

The class manager view of Classroom Toolkit
A picture saying 'planned features'

Login Page

View/Submit Waves

Single Wave

The default screen of SoundWaves, showing users you can log in as.
Screenshots of all waves, boards and new wave page
Screenshots of the single wave page, showing a transcipt and comments

App Idea Gen


Idea Lists

Idea Description

Home page, generating page and idea list page of App Idea Generator
Home page, idea list page and idea details page of App Idea Generator for art app ideas.
Home page, idea list page and idea details page of App Idea Generator for video app ideas.

All articles

Article view

Mobile view

A view of all the articles on NC News.
A detailed view of an articles about Node.js on NC News.
Three images of NC News as viewed from a mobile, showing the main article list and a detailed article view.

/api endpoint

/api/articles endpoint

A view of all the /api endpoint on the NC News API.
A view of the /api/articles endpoint, showing article details in JSON format.



Contact Form

The about screen of, there is a picture of Adam next to a short bio.
Screenshot of the projects page, showing the several projects
Screen shot of the contact form, with some links to different sites on the left.